Transcultures & La Commune de Saint-Gilles

Mobile Awards « Art(s) & Network(s) »
Installations|performances|Emerging Talents
+ dEbatE|EXHIBITIONS|CAFE numErique +
In the framework of La quinzaine numérique (digital fortnight) of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels
Transnomades is a series of interdisciplinary, prospective and friendly events, initiated by Transcultures, Centre of digital and sound cultures and the culture service of Saint-Gilles since 2011 that promotes creative meeting between artists from different cultures that explore innovative digital practices.
This festival edition proposes in four locations of Saint-Gilles (Maison du Peuple ; Cutlural Centre Jacques Franck, Maison des Cultures, Atelier du Web), a focus on the connected arts in their diversity and the launch of the Mobile Awards (performance, installation, emerging talents, public awards…) on the occasion of la quinzaine numérique of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels.
Mobile Awards
« Art(s) & Network(s) » 2013
Installation participative/participatieve installatieParticipative installation
Anne Roquigny (Fr) + James Hudson (De) → WJ-S
WJ-S is a software and a publicdevice of web performances. It allows to WJ-S (that is webjays, webjockeys, artists, curators, enthusiasts and web mutants) to play live with online contents. WJ-S is a shared and visible experience of web surfing. Users take control of the multi-screen device and surf simultaneously in different browser windows. The aim of this device is to adapt individual and collaborative processes online to physical locations (galleries, museums, conference rooms, exhibition halls, various public places).
Cie Le Clair Obscur (Fr) → @.2 : SleepingBeauty
The installation-performance @.2 :SleepingBeauty (created by Frédéric Deslias et Gaël L.) is part of the “@” process, a research/work in progress declining in many shapes and several modules (audiovisual shows, dance/digital arts, web-theater, performances, installations, workshops,…). Sleepingbeauty stages the performer Sandra Devaux, such a sleeping beauty in the era of Web 2.0, which gives us his body in a glass coffin. The capture of her neurological and biological data broadcastes all her intimate activity around us through visual and sound projections. We can send her messages in real time via her Facebook page ( that will be read by a synthetic voice. For every Facebook message sent, the computer sends us the emotional state of Sandra by way of response (heartbeat, sweat, brain wave…).
Emerging talents | Performance
Okus Dance Company (Be) → D-Compo 1.8
D-Compo (initiated by Manu Di Martino – Liège) is an exploratory, polymorphic and fragmentable field, about dance, photography, veejaying, stop motion, electronic music, interdisciplinary and web… The interlacing of these different disciplines which influence each other throughout the show constitutes the main body of this organic artwork.
Emerging talents | Performance/installation
Peter M. Friess (De) → Beautiful_Touch (2nd iteration – the feedback loop)
In collaboration with Maurice JJ Charles (Be)
An interdisciplinary performances environment is connected with a virtual audience beyond the physical space during the performance. Beautiful_Touch explores the “parallel universes”, “alternative realities” or “common inter-subjectivities”. The device invites the audience to a playful manipulation during this participative performance that combines screenings of images with variable geometry, sound improvisations (sax, vocals, electronics), an interactive and collaborative website, the use of small softwares of visual and sound creation on ipad and smartphone, mobile cameras and sensors.
Net art |
Goûter Numérique
On the occasion of la quinzaine numérique, Transcultures launches the platform (in partnership with – Super Art Modern Museum), a web space dedicated for new art forms that use the network as a creative material, accompanied by a critical corpus. A first selection of introductory works (co-curation: systaime, digital artist, founder of is proposed at the Maison du Peuple. This didactic exhibition is framed by Jacques Urbanska ( with his matrix (which allows, through a series of web “windows” to aggregate and present automatically web content).
04 | 10 | 2013 –
18:00 – Exhibition
Maison du Peuple – salle d’exposition
Opening platform
Web Art – Gif/glitch/Neen Art/meme… exhibition
with (Super Art Modern Museum) partnership
19:30 – Installation
Maison des Cultures – salle d’exposition
Mobile Awards 2013 Ceremony
Opening WJ-s project – participative installation
Opening <iframes> net art – installation
20:00 – Performance
Maison des Cultures – salle de spectacle
Cie Le Clair Obscur | @.2:SleepingBeauty Performance
21:00 – Drink + Christophe Bailleau (Be) : e-mix (Web sounds)
Maison des Cultures – bar
05 | 10 | 2013 –
12:00 → 18.00 – Exposition
Maison du Peuple – salle d’exposition – webart/gifs/glitch/neenart/memes… exhibition
12:00 → 18.00 – Installation
Maison des Cultures – salle d’exposition
WJ-S – installation and workshop
<iframes> netart – installation didactic exhibition
20:00 – Performances
Centre culturel Jacques Franck Mobile
Peter M. Friess (with Maurice Charles JJ) | Beautiful_Touch (2nd iteration – the feeback loop)
Okus Dance cie | D Compo 1.8
06 | 10 | 2013 –
12:00 → 18:00 – Exposition
Maison du Peuple – salle d’exposition – webart/gifs/glitch/neenart/memes… exhibition
12:00 → 18:00 – Installation
Maison des Cultures – salle d’exposition
WJ-S – installation and workshop
<iframes> netart – installation didactic exhibition
16:00 → 18:00 – Débate
Maison des Cultures – bar
(with Café Numérique Bruxelles partnership) – Thierry Dutoit (numediart/UMons), Aurélie Ghalim, Malo Girod de l’Ain (Digitalarti Paris), Anne Roquigny…
Moderators: Jacques Urbanska, Philippe Franck.
18:15 – Performance
Maison des Cultures – salle d’exposition
Performance WJ-S with webjing live : Lucille Calmel (Bruxelles, Belgique), Valentine Siboni (Bruxelles, Belgique), James Hudson (Bruxelles, Belgique), Systaime (Paris, France), Eric Pajot (Paris, France), Pierre Piccon (Strasbourg, France), Ana-Maria Huluban (Cluj, Roumanie), Lucian Harbădă (Cluj, Roumanie), Yi Donghoon – Otto (Seoul, Corée du Sud), Igor Štromajer (Francfort-sur-le-Main, Allemagne) , Miyö Van Stenis (Guatire, Venezuela).
19:15 – Closing Drink
Maison des Cultures – bar
- Maison du Peuple → Parvis Saint-Gilles, 37A
- Maison des Cultures → Rue de Belgrade, 120
- Centre culturel Jacques Franck → Chaussée de Waterloo, 94
- Atelier du Web → Rue du Fort, 37
Mobile Awards « Art(s) & Network(s) »
Launched by transcultures on the occasion of la Quinzaine Numérique, mobile awards intend to stimulate digital creativity by giving it visibility. Further to a call for proposals, different mobile prizes – performance, installation, emergence, audience – rewarding arts network projects, from Belgium and abroad will be presented as part of those Transnomades 2013.
La Quinzaine Numérique (the digital fortnight)
La Quinzaine numérique is born from the desire of the Minister of Culture of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, Fadila Laanan, to support the diffusion of artists and operators of the digital arts sector. From September 21 to October 6, 2013, La quinzaine numérique proposes exhibitions, workshops, meetings, conferences… in several cities of the Federation Wallonie-Brussels.
free entry
An initiative of Transcultures
with the support of Saint-Gilles-Culture, Federation Wallonia-Brussels (digital arts dept.)
media partners :, MCD, La Province.
Curators : Philippe Franck, Jacques Urbanska | |